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Conference Meeting

Membership Fee is $40 annually / Supporting Members $90
There are five types of membership WITH voting privileges:

A. Charter Member
1. Any member of the Association attending any meeting of this body prior to the adoption of the initial bylaws and upon whom all privileges of a Regular Membership were bestowed.

In addition, there are five types of membership with NO voting privileges:

F. Provisional Member 

Applicants who are currently working in the field of crime scene reconstruction or investigation, and meet all other membership requirements, have secured appropriate endorsements and /or recommendations but who do not have at least three years experience may, upon recommendation of the Membership committee, with the approval of the Board of Directors, be accepted as a Provisional Member for a period not to exceed three years from date of acceptance.
1. After three years as a provisional member, he or she must reapply for membership as a Regular Member.

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